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Holiday Events Are Gearing Up – Tips On How To Hold A Food Drive

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Blog

The holiday season is also a time to think about others and for many,  food and fundraising for the Food Bank has been a part of their annual holiday traditions. From asking dinner guests to bring a donation; school collections; to companies holding drives; everyone comes together to make an incredible difference for families and individuals.

It’s easy to get started. First, contact us by filling in the online form. From here we can organize the donation or cash boxes, deliveries and pick-ups. Our website also has Wish Lists and Fast Facts you can print out and share. Consider building your own Personal Fundraising Page!  As the champion of your own page, you can run an online fundraising initiative by reaching out to friends, family and your online community.

When you are breaking bread this holiday, remember others and the hope you share. Thank you for bringing the holiday spirit together for everyone!

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