Summer 2024 Comfort Food

COMFORT FOOD | Newsletter

A Word From Our CEO

Melissa From headshot

Over the last six months, the Calgary Food Bank has been consulting with community about the future of our organization and how to best position ourselves to meet the growing needs of our growing city.

This has included consultative sessions with community partner charities, other food serving agencies, food industry, donors, volunteers, clients, and staff.

What we’ve heard over and over again from every one of these groups is that we need to continue to have a client-centered approach to do the work that we do. As we map out our future in the coming months and years, I hope that you will see that we have taken that message to heart. I look forward to sharing our new five year strategic plan, #feedYYC, with you in October!



Partners In Action

Calgary Food Bank and Breakfast Club of Canada

The Breakfast Club of Canada and Calgary Food Bank partnership makes sure that schools across Calgary have nutritious, easy-to-prepare breakfast and snack items available for students at the start of their day.

Calgary Food Bank Mayor

If you work or volunteer at the Calgary Food Bank, there is a good chance you know Terry Deets. He has been with us for over 40 years and is our most dedicated volunteer, often being referred to as the ‘mayor of the Calgary Food Bank’.

Terry Deets The Calgary Food Bank Mayor

The Last 3 Months at a Glance

Number of satellite locations

Number of satellite volunteers

Pounds of non-food donated (hygience products, ect)

New Calgary Food Bank Video

We are proud to announce that we have a new video all about the Calgary Food Bank. We created this short piece in order to showcase the size and scope of our organization. Consider it your chance to take a peak inside our world!


Donation Matching

Birdies for Kids campaign image

When you donate under the Shaw Birdies for Kids campaign, your donation will be matched up to 50 per cent.

Thanks to our incredible donors, we have already doubled last years total donation, and now we are aiming to triple it.

Make your donation today to maximize your impact on families and individuals in need!

2024 Stampede Roundup


Local chuckwagon driver, Chanse Vigen, organized a very unique donation to the Calgary Food Bank on July 4th. Two chuckwagons showed up at the warehouse, filled to the brim with food, diapers and formula. You can read the full story here.

Melissa From headshot


Our annual ‘Put the Boots to Hunger’ campaign was a huge success. A total of 48 events were held in support of the Calgary Food Bank this year. A big thank you to everyone who participated!


Calgary Food Bank staff from across all departments showed up to Olympic Square on July 11th to fry up bacon and flip flapjacks.

Melissa From headshot


Calgary Co-op hosted a total of four Stampede breakfasts in support of the Calgary Food Bank this year.

Coming Soon


Our 20th annual City-Wide food drive will be on September 21, 2024. This is our biggest food drive of the year. The donations we receive during this time are crucial to seeing us through to the holidays.

Things will look a little bit different this year. We are going green and will not be distributing the usual plastic bag. Instead, we’re asking Calgarians to place donations in reusable bags. This is a great chance to get rid of a bag or two that you no longer use.

Watch for reminder door hangers coming the week before the 21st. They will include our wish list and further instructions on how to participate.

Of course, Calgary is a large and sprawling city, so If you do not receive a door hanger, please make a monetary donation online.

We are blown away each year by the generosity our city, and the donations received help so many fellow Calgarians. We are by community, for community, and we couldn’t do it without you!

Walk with Doug and Paul

Doug and Paul are back with their fundraising walk for the Calgary Food Bank! They started last year and managed to raise over $140,000.

This year they will be hosting a series of practice walks leading up to the main event on October 14, 2024. Anyone of any fitness level is invited to join!

Melissa From headshot

“When you’re a single mom, it’s expensive to buy food for your kids to take for lunches…right now, I don’t know how parents are feeding their kids.”

Calgary Food Bank Client

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