Take A Bite Outta This!

Take A Bite Outta This!

We’ve seen our fair share of fun “fund” raisers, but this makes our mouths water! Don’t miss out on the Burger It Forward adventure.

How We Work To Reduce Waste

How We Work To Reduce Waste

We sort donations big and small, and separate them into different recycling and reclamation areas, with a goal of less than 10% going to the landfill.

How Did YOUR Garden Grow?

How Did YOUR Garden Grow?

The air is crisp, and the leaves are beginning to fall. We have slipped into Autumn, and this time of year always brings a harvest of home-grown goodness.

Re-Visiting Our Roots

Re-Visiting Our Roots

Once again, the long hot days of summer begin to slowly disappear into shorter, cooler days, and we look forward to the annual City-Wide Food Drive coordinated by the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints community.

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