Donate Funds


For every $1 donated the Calgary Food Bank can distribute $3.50 worth of food

Help Feed YYC

The face of hunger is not only the homeless in our city; it could be the family next door. The child who sits next yours in school, the person next to you on the bus going to work, our classmates from college or university, or the person who serves you at your local business. These are our friends and neighbours who face a life set back and need our help and compassion.

The Calgary Food Bank is not a government or United Way funded organization. We are community owned, community supported. It takes community action to provide healthy and nutritious food support, to help one family, one person at a time. In partnership with the food industry and people like you, for every $1 received we can distribute $3.50 worth of food. We invite you to help by contributing online, by phone, mail or in person.

! Please note, we use Canada Helps to facilitate our online donations. Once your donation is made you will automatically receive a receipt to your email from Canada Helps.

How To Make Your Contribution

By Cheque

Please make out the cheque to Calgary Food Bank and mail it to 5020 12A Street SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5K9. Please do not mail cash. Tax receipts will be mailed/emailed 2-3 weeks after the donation is received.

In Person

To make a monetary donation visit us at the Annex 5020 12A Street SE, Monday to Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and Friday 8:30 am – 4 pm.

To donate food please go to the Main Location 5000 11 St SE Donation Centre which is Loading Dock Door 7, Monday to Thursday 8 am – 7:30 pm and Friday to Saturday 8 am – 3 pm.

Over the phone

Call our Annex building Monday to Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm at 403-253-2059 to make a credit card donation over the phone. Tax receipts will be mailed/emailed 2-3 weeks after the donation is made.


We will never call and ask for donations. If you have received a call like this and gave out personal information, please call us at 403-253-2059 or the Calgary Police at 403-266-1234.

Numbers reflect our fiscal year, September 1st, 2023 to August 30th, 2024 

Number of satellite locations

Pounds of non-food donated (hygience products, ect)

Food Link Partners

Number of satellite volunteers

How You Can Help

Donate Food

Help create a healthy meal by donating our most needed items.

Donate Funds

Donate funds securely online, by mail or in person.


Donate your time. Volunteers are our lifeblood.

Host an event

Get creative and engage your community, host a fundraiser.

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