Annual report | Blog


Each week a dedicated group of volunteers from ARC Resources joins the Calgary Food Bank to help distribute food to Calgarians experiencing food insecurity.  

Giving back is core to Arc Resources’ culture and something their people are passionate about. Long-term partnerships that create long-lasting impacts are at the heart of their community giving program. They’re proud to support the communities where they live and operate through corporate giving, employee donations and ongoing volunteerism. They regularly roll up their sleeves to support their community through volunteer shifts and fundraising campaigns. 

They support their employees in making meaningful contributions to local community causes through their Donation Matching Program. Employees can donate up to $500 each year and receive a company match to double the impact.  

One of their giving focus areas is “Healthy, Safe and Resilient People”. They support the physical and mental health, well-being and safety of their people, their loved ones, and the communities in which they operate. This includes organizations such as the Calgary Food Bank.  

Close up of Paul running

ARC’s partnership with the Calgary Food Bank is one of our longest, dating back to ARC’s early days in 1996. Over the years, ARC has supported the Calgary Food Bank through both corporate and employee donations, and with regular volunteerism. In fact, ARC employees have volunteered at the Calgary Food Bank nearly every month for the past 20 years. For ARC employees, the monthly volunteer shift has been a great chance to gain perspective on the challenges members of our community face. It also provides an opportunity to meet coworkers from other departments and have a little fun while supporting the community. To demonstrate their continued commitment, in December 2022, ARC announced a $200,000 donation at CBC’s Blitz Day and matched ARC employee donations of almost $17,000 at their annual holiday party.  

“As one of our longest standing community partnerships, the Calgary Food Bank is an organization that meets a critical need for vulnerable people in our community,” said Lisa Olsen, Senior Vice President, People and Corporate. “Our partnership with the Food Bank has spanned more than 27 years, and it’s a cause that our people have always been passionate about. Throughout the year and especially during the holiday season, our people roll up their sleeves to volunteer, and contribute their own funds to support this important organization”. 

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