Mobile Hampers

Providing Food To The City’s Most Vulnerable

Our Mobile Food Hamper program provides partner organizations with easy to prepare, shelf stable foods that they can distribute to their clients who are experiencing homelessness. These hampers are available both in a prebuilt version for organizations operating out of a hub location and in bulk for teams delivering street outreach.

When we provide food support to our partner agencies, they are more able to focus on addressing any underlying issues their clients are facing, while working towards the goal of setting them up with stable housing.

 Some of our major partners include:
  • Calgary Alpha House Society
  • Woods Homes
  • Salvation Army
  • Elizabeth Fry Society
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Opioid Dependency Program
  • City of Calgary, Community Outreach Team

Community partner (agency) Conditions

  • It is critical that partner organizations are able and willing to track the number of mobile hampers distributed to clients through their programs.
  • Reports are submitted on an annual basis and support evaluation of the Mobile Hampers program. Reporting also gives organizations an opportunity to share feedback with the Calgary Food Bank.

“Alpha House’s Outreach Teams serve thousands of individuals on the streets of Calgary every year and we are incredibly grateful to our partners at the Calgary Food Bank who support many of our programs. The Mobile Hamper Program and, in particular, the Ice River water donation was a critical avenue of support for unhoused individuals during the heat waves we experienced this summer. Thank you to the whole team at the Calgary Food Bank!”

Charlene Wilson, Alpha House Outreach Manager

Numbers reflect our fiscal year, September 1st, 2023 to August 30th, 2024 

POUNDS OF Food Distributed

partner organizations

Money Saved ($)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Mobile Hampers Program?

You may apply to join our Mobile Hamper program by using the form below. Please note that we are only able to partner with organizations that have status as a registered Canadian charity and that are willing and able to track the number of hampers they distribute to their clients. Organizations must submit a report on an annual basis and support our evaluation of the Mobile Hamper program.  

For more information, please contact

Cody Schimpf Program Coordinator
P: 403-253-2059 ext. 237

Is there a limit on the hampers?

Yes. All partner organizations have a pre-determined maximum allotment. Product availability can lead to fluctuations in the quantity of certain items throughout the year.

Where can I get a Mobile Hamper?

If you are experiencing homelessness and need to access a Mobile Hamper, they are available through the Calgary Alpha House Society, Woods Homes, Salvation Army, Elizabeth Fry Society, Alberta Health Services, the Opioid Dependency program and the City of Calgary Community Outreach Team.

What's in this type of Hamper?

A Mobile Hamper provides 1-2 days’ worth of ready to eat, shelf-stable foods that are easy to open. It can include things like canned items with pull-tabs, fruit, pudding, juice, drinks, oatmeal and assorted snacks. Hampers are available prebuilt or in bulk, depending on the type of outreach.

Are hampers always prebuilt?

No. While prebuilt hampers are an easy way to distribute food, we also offer a bulk food option for organizations providing street outreach or who need to customize hamper content.

How does reporting work for the program?

We require all our partner organizations accessing this program to provide annual reporting. This helps us track impact as well as analyze the structure and value of the program. This helps us to better serve our organizations and our community.

To update your organization’s contact information for this reporting, please contact:
Cody Schimpf, Program Coordinator
P: 403-253-2059 ext. 237

Become A Mobile Hamper Partner

Contact Cody Schimpf by email or call 403-253-2059 ext. 237 to request an application form and receive more details.

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